Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Visual Vocabulary

This was our first visual language session. The brief was that we had to produce ten visual interpretations of ten different words on 10x10 cm pieces of paper. We had 5 minutes to produce each work and the words were closed,horizontal, link,positive,above, form,difference, loop, space and finish.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

My Alphbets

This was our summer brief that we had to hand in at the beginning of the course. The brief was to create the alphabets that best describe our individual self.
From the beginning I wanted to keep the type really simple and quite straight forward.

I wanted to work with paper and crafting them and after some research I ended using both paper crafting and pen. I really like working with just a black pen and keeping things black and white. So, this is what I did and I thought it worked especially well with a type.

The alphabets were created by using a stencil of a shadow of each of the letterforms. The reason that I chose to create letterforms out of its shadow was because it represents the way that I am and do things in general. ( the wrong way round.)
As much as I wanted to keep the letterforms neat and clean which is the way I do my work but as my personality goes, underneath and int he middle of it all I'm still quite messy ( not interms of untidiness) just jumled and not quite yet settled.

I made all the letterforms the same so its more like a typeface rather than just a set of alphabets to describe me. But over all as a set i think it definite. In its subtle and simple way I think this typeface describes me well.