Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Visual Language-Grammar

Identifying Noun, Verb, Adjective and Pronoun:

Jo is Jumping on a Big Trampoline : Pronoun
Jo is Jumping on a Big Trampoline : Verb
Jo is Jumping on a Big Trampoline : Adjective
Jo is Jumping on a Big Trampoline : Noun

1st person: I (singular), we, (Plural)
2nd person: You
3rd person: he,she,it(singular), They (Plural)

Objective Personal Pronoun: eg. give the money to Dave

Possessive Personal Pronoun: eg. This box is mine

Demonstrative Pronoun:That, These, This ,These, eg. Look at that

Relative Pronoun: What, Who, Whom, Whose
eg, What do you think ?
Who is it?
Whose is this?
Who am I?

Friday, 15 January 2010

Collection 100, Pt2

On the first day back at college we were asked to bring in what we have collected

We had to categorise our objects into our own chosen categories and photogrpah them

things you put on your wall:
Things that you normal use, mundane things
Sentimal things in a bedroom:
Things that you go to bed with:

On the first day back at college we were asked to bring in what we have collected

We had to categorise our objects into our own chosen categories and photogrpah them

Collection 100

After the Idea generating session before the winter holidays each student had to pick a subject matter for their 5 week long brief offt a Collection of a hundred.

My chosen subject matter is BEDROOMS

Over the holidays we had to collect

100 Opinions
100 facts
100 objects

I have categorised my facts and opinions into certain categories.


categorising Personal Things in a person's bedroom

Personal Thing in your bedroom
big panda canvas
Christmas tree
expensive pollow collection
Buzz-Lightyear giant cardboard cutout

Things you use
electric guitar
A big woolen rug
remotecontrol for all switch
our(family) piano

Part of the bed room
serously OLD door

sally the doll
Old fashioned globe
memories (photos, reminders of good times with friends etc
Massive DVD collection
collection of religious figurines

Sentimetal Things
genie lamp
my cuddly toy pig
Old man's cap
stuff Santa toy
photograph albums
Box with 6 years worth of notes from school