Thursday, 19 November 2009

No News Is Good News:Research

The brief: create a body of research based upon a headline from a newspaper bought on 17th October 2009.

For this brief. I picked an article: "Buy one get one free later-Tesco changes offer to cut food waste"

So, the concept of this brief is about how super markets are taking actions to help prevent global warming.

I came up with several ideas on how to tackle this. We were asked to present ten and then narrow them down to three.

1. What are big supermarkets doing to reduce consumers waste eg. deals like buy one get one free later

2. Consumers waste and its effect on the environment

3 Are they really carbon conscience?... this is abot whether big super markets actually care or are they using this environmental issue to boost their popularity

After a lot of research. ( articles, journals, facts, WRAP statements ( waste and resources action programme)) We were asked to pick one idea to take to our necxt brief.

I decided, because I found alot of facts on how much wasting food is costing the earth, to take on the idea of consumers waste in the UK.

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