Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Try something new...with a bear..Calendar Examples

Try Something new....with a bear

Speaking from experience:sticker....

Speaking from experience:Sticker

Speaking from experience:Finished Product

Speaking from experience:Photos

Don't Panic:VOGUE Printed poster

Indesign:Sarah Frackelton

I'm deciding to do my DPS as a Q&A session...
so...more questions for Sarah

you said that if you could have a super power, it would be to be able to time travel....so, if you could travel back in time or into the future, when would you travel to ??

The 80'sv or even further...in a victorian era ( in England ) -interesting to see what its like-victorain dresses

If you could go back in time ( in your life time ), is there anything
that you would do differently?

Wouldnt beat her sister up so much-everytime her parents left the room she would pinch her- her sistr used to have nightmares about Sarah hurting her

If you were stuck on a desert island, what are the five things that you would want to have with you ?

-ipod -phone
-Sarah's best mate, Natalie
-rabbits ( all 19)
- unlimited Indian Takeaway

If you could have a room full of any one thing, what would it be?

The bears in Haribo- Red and Green

If you could only see black and white except for one color, what color would you choose to see?
Yellow- BRIGHT

Who or what inspires you and why?
Sarah's dad-because he's artistic and she feels that when her dad was younger he was probably very simliar to her now.

If you win 1 million pounds, what would you do?

Pay off her over draft, a world trip!, with 5 start hotels