Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Speaking from experience:More photographs

I've tested the cartons out and printed them onto A4, the asize of the actual cartons are going to be on A3s.

For my final piece I will have 3 juice cartons ( lemon,lime and orange) . One of them will have a lemon stress ball packaged inside.....I wasn't able to get all three stress balls of the three fruit the idea is that each juice carton will have a stress ball inside them and also a concertina placed on top.

I will also produce 2 juice boxes! ( like a ribena carton) with a cranberry and blackurrant theme. I will then photograph the final pieces as a set and post them on the blog.

I've tried out the cartons on different stock focussing on card and water colour paper. Ideally the products would be printed on the stock that normal juice cartons that you find in super markets use but I was unable to find them. Technically card would have been the first second choice ( if that makes sense) but after trying and testing it, I found the water colour paper to be more appropriate and was more table when I made the package. The card tended to peel when scored and folded.

So....for my final piece the cartons and boxes will be printed onto watercolour paper stock.

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