Thursday, 25 March 2010

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

What is a Line? Rust

What is a line?:Mock up book pages

Thehse are some of the illustrated pagesthat I would like to include in my 'book'

I haven't deicded yet whether I want to bind all these ilustrations in a book or ust leave them as a body work??

Monday, 22 March 2010

Try Something New: Drawings 1

For this brief, Jack and I assigned each other to do different parts of the illustrations and then collborate them together after. Some of the drawings such as the pottery one and the zorbing one were worled on more collaboratively due to the nature of the illustrations.

These are some of the drawings that were used in the calendar but some have been abandoned ( archery )

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Try something new: Idea Generation sheet

As we decided on the quesiton 'Try something new' Jack and I spent the first hour generating ideas of 'things to do' and this is the sheet that was produced.

The ideas that we chose to research further were also on this sheet

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

What is a Line? 2

After looking at the drawings that I've created so far, I've found that the most interesting part of these decay are the patterns and textures that they creat. Therefore, I will be concentrating on the patterns of such decay rather than the objects themselves.

At the moment I'm considering the format of the possible final piece and it will be in a form of a book.

the decays may be categorised into different parts eg. Urban decay and Organic decay.

What is a Line??

I have decided to investigate 'Signs of Decay'. This is the title of my brief.

I will be exploring the different types of decay through the method of drawing. the aim of the brief is to document and record.

The target audience would be an older group of people who are interested in things such as artists books and illustrations.

Instead of looking at the process of how this Decay has happened i will be concentrating on the result of time> the decay itself

I will be considering the differwent methods of drawing and the format.

I havent decided yet whether I would like to create a final piece or not

Monday, 15 March 2010

Dead Leaves

What is a Line? Bones

I started to draw both organic and urban forms of decay using a fine line pen and creating interesting textures with it.

These are one of the first drawings I made.

As I have decided to create an on going documentation of decayed things for my project, I wanted to document these mainly through drawing

I am going to create a body of work that visually investigates the 'nice' side of decay and make them into something more beautiful

What is a Line?

As i have chosen to do ' signs of decay' for my What is a line brief.

I traced these decay texture and found the results really interesting.

I decided to focuse on the rust and decay patterns that occur on decyaing objeicts such as woods and metal but also keeping my investigation open.

I think that the decay itself is really interesting and over looked as decay is often if not always perceived as something horrible and ugly.

I wanted to investigate this and creatr a visually interesting documentation of these decaying things

Try Something new....with a bear

At the crit, we dicussed further the method of delivery and decided that the calendar may be the most appropriate method for this particular scheme

This is because a coffe table to may be something that you would flick through once and that is it where as a calendar, the audience would be getting a new activities for each different month and also, bank holidays.

Further thought may be put into placing an acitivity appropraite to the seasons, or holidays

eg, skating

it is also somethign that is appropriate to have in an office and the environment is organised and professional, a book may not be relevant in that kind of situation.

A calendar also has an order to it and a sense of development where people will look forward to seeing the next one is.

We also discussed that a joke activity may also be included on certain days

eg. St Patraick day...

Find the end of a Rainbow and steal the gold pot from the Lepricon ...with a bear...

Communication is a Virus:Try Something new....With a Bear

What? A product providing people with a list of new activities that can participate in done through a form of illustrations and humour. The theme of the book will be that each of these activities would involve a bear.


Ice-Skating....with a bear

Who? The target audience will be people aorund the ages of 18-35 who work and possibly in offices. The reason being for this chosen group of people is that they will be old enough to take part in these activites and young enough that they are stil active and relatable to the humour/theme of this product

Why? We are trying to get people to try something new and introducing them to various activcities which they may not have heard of or thought of doing before. Instead of advertising a specific activity we are providing a variety of activites and information about them that may interest the audience.

How? We are either producing a book which will be a coffee table book. It will be made with quality so it willbe something people will want to keep and can flick through.

Or a calendar? providing different activities the audience can do each month

Friday, 12 March 2010

Communications is a Virus: How does it spread??

For this brief, we are working in pairs matched by the personal ads each person made. The brief is to produce a solution to one of the given theme.

Partner: Jack Neville.

We chose to get people to "try something new"........

We wanted to have a range of things people could do that they may not have tried before


We wrote down ideas on a A3 sheet and decided to make this product humorous and into something that will make people laugh.

The main ideas that we wanted to carry out were
1. Make someone's day...(everyday )

2. Have an alter ego

3. Try something....with a bear

Because we wanted to have a number of different things people could do and that it was the idea that both of us thought would be the best one to go with we decided to carry on with the
"Try something new....with a bear"

The concept is to provide a list of activities people could try done through illustration with the added theme of the bear. So, each illustration would be of s certain activity, eg. Sky Diving but it will be with a bear.

Along with these illustrations there willa lso be information about where you can do these things.

The content will be simple illustrations of the activity and information. Our target audience are people who do not usually do much but want to. Perhaps people who work around the clock, in offices ....etc But the idea of this product is not to advertise these activities and push people to go do them. It will simply be a suggestion of what they could do if they wanted to.

The Method of delivery: A coffee Table book : It would be something funny and of quality that people would want to keep.


A pack of postcards


A calendar: do something different every month ?

Friday, 5 March 2010