Monday, 15 March 2010

Try Something new....with a bear

At the crit, we dicussed further the method of delivery and decided that the calendar may be the most appropriate method for this particular scheme

This is because a coffe table to may be something that you would flick through once and that is it where as a calendar, the audience would be getting a new activities for each different month and also, bank holidays.

Further thought may be put into placing an acitivity appropraite to the seasons, or holidays

eg, skating

it is also somethign that is appropriate to have in an office and the environment is organised and professional, a book may not be relevant in that kind of situation.

A calendar also has an order to it and a sense of development where people will look forward to seeing the next one is.

We also discussed that a joke activity may also be included on certain days

eg. St Patraick day...

Find the end of a Rainbow and steal the gold pot from the Lepricon ...with a bear...

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